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学术预告:Prof. Siyuan Han 谈“Quantum computation with superconducting circuits”

来源 : 理学院     作者 : 理学院     时间 : 2017-06-02  访问量 : 483



报告人:美国堪萨斯大学 Prof. Siyuan Han


For many years harnessing the power of quantum parallelism for information processing was only a dream. In recent years, breakthroughs in the development of Josephson qubits and circuit QED made superconducting approach one of the most promising candidates for scalable quantum computing and quantum simulation. Superconducting qubits, such as the flux and phase qubits, are engineered artificial atoms with many distinctive advantages: they can be designed and fabricated using advanced integrated circuit technology; their properties can be characterized accurately and controlled precisely in situ; their coherence time has been improved continuously and is reaching the level required for fault-tolerance quantum computing; fast single- and multi-qubit gates with high fidelity has been demonstrated; and the circuits are scalable. In particular, it has been demonstrated that superconducting resonators can mediate long-range interaction between distant superconducting qubits. By exploiting the cavity mediated super-exchange interactions between qubits one can build scalable quantum information processors. I will report on some of our recent results in this increasingly exciting research field and briefly review the current status and future prospects of the superconducting approach to quantum computation.


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