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学术预告: 崔龑副研究员谈“Observability and Controllability of Wave Equations coupled by First Order Terms”

来源 : 理学院     作者 : 理学院     时间 : 2019-03-28  访问量 : 287

时间: 2019年4月2日10:30-11:30

地点: 勤园21-306


   In this talk, we discuss some recent results concerning the observability and controllability of wave equations coupled by first order terms. We show that: the weak observability inequality holds for wave equations coupled by first order terms on a compact manifold without boundary if and only if a class of ordinary differential equations related to the symbol of the first order terms along the Hamiltonian flow are exactly controllable. We also compute the higher order part of the observability constant and the observation time. Moreover, we obtain the controllability of the dual control system in a finite co-dimensional space. This gives the full controllability under the assumption of unique continuation of eigenfunctions. Finally, we provide some concrete examples as applications where the unique continuation property indeed holds. These are joint works with Camille Laurent and Zhiqiang Wang.


崔龑,中山大学数学学院(珠海)副研究员。2017年在复旦大学获得理学博士学位,2016.11-2017.2在法国巴黎六大Jacques-Louis Lions实验室访问。主要研究偏微分方程(组)的控制理论,特别是波动方程组的能控性理论。与合作者给出并证明了几类耦合型波动方程组间接能控、间接能观或者间接能稳时,耦合项分别需要满足的充分必要条件。


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