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讲座预告:王春武教授谈“The interface treating method for compressible multi-medium flow” Copy1

来源 : 理学院     作者 : 胡燕波     时间 : 2019-10-23  访问量 : 338

题目:王春武教授谈“The interface treating method for compressible multi-medium flow




内容简介:An interface treating method is proposed for multi-medium flow. In this method, the level set equation is employed to track the medium interface. The Riemann problems are constructed at the interface and solved to define the interface boundary conditions. By doing so the computation is thereby carried out as if in a single medium and the high order accuracy schemes can be used to dicretize the Euler equation directly. This method has been extended to simulate the compressible multi-medium flow on triangular meshes. A conservative interface treating method is also presented if we include the states in the mixed cells. Besides, the adaptive moving mesh method is also coupled to this method to reduce both the numerical and conservative errors. Several numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate robustness and efficiency of the presented methods. The results show that our algorithm can capture the shock waves and the material interface accurately, and is stable and robust even for solutions with large density and pressure gradients.


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